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The Different Eating Types


Professional dieters have tried everything to shrink their bodies. They are often easy to spot as they will be on a diet or ready to start a new one. Professional dieters know all the “dieting tricks”, food calories and portion sizes; however, even with this knowledge, they search for the perfect diet.There is a cross over between another eating type, “the careful eater”; however, chronic dieters base their food choices on losing weight. 

Being a professional dieter is very difficult to maintain. It involves chronic food deprivation, which enviably results in overeating or binge episodes once their non-diet foods are available. 


Unconcious eaters can be found usually found eating while participating in another activity, whether it’s watching TV, scrolling social media or talking on the phone. Because we have so many distractions in life there are actually four subtypes of the unconscious eater. Most people are subject to some form of unconscious eating however it’s chronic unconscious overeating that can be problematic.


While careful clean eaters appear to eat ideally and seem health and fitness-focused, they stress over each mouthful of food. They worry about the effect of food on the body, often measuring foods, counting macros or avoiding certain food groups for “health”. 

There’s nothing wrong with being interested in health and eating healthily; however, the extreme rigidity of careful, clean eating affects a healthy relationship with food.


Intuitive eaters are in tune with their body signals including their hunger and fullness cues. They trust their bodies to let them know when to eat, how much and which foods. Intuitive eaters view food as more than nourishment they also understand and believe that food is for pleasure and satisfaction. Intutive eaters also tend to have good body acceptance and respect towards their bodies. 


Diets feeling like a toxic ex? You know they’re a bad idea, but you keep going back for one last try. 

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