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If you’re constantly reaching for lollies, chocolate, sweets and sugar and want to stop, this is the article for you. Get the strategies I’ve used with hundreds of clients to help them take back control over their sugar cravings.
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My life-changing co-pilot program combines nutrition counselling with body image coaching, nutrition advice and so much more to help women improve their relationship with food and their bodies – these are the results.
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Stop asking why am I feeling hungry after eating? Intuitive eating uses internal cues, like hunger and fullness and focuses on the importance of satisfaction, which is an even more important cue to stop eating. Learn the difference between satisfaction and fullness in intuitive eating.
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Have you heard of the set weight theory? Wondering what it means for your health? We answer all your questions in this blog article
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When you start working with a dietitian to help you recover from your eating disorder, it’s normal to feel scared. There’s often an idea that we’ll tell you to stop doing everything you’re doing, to make you change everything straight away, or worse, to make you let go of all structure.
We use an evidence-based RAVES model, which helps create structure and safety in eating disorder recovery and nutrition rehabilitation.
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It’s completely normal if you hate the way you look (in our appearance-obsessed society) and why you think losing weight is the key to body acceptance but what you can do (without changing your appearance) to hate your body less.
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Want sweet high protein snack recipes that actually taste good? These healthy chocolate energy balls are super easy to make and freeze well.
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What is weight-neutral diabetes care? Instead of focusing on your weight (we don’t ask your weight or weigh you), we focus on factors inside your control (e.g. stress management, fibre intake, movement) that can help lower and maintain your HbA1C, blood glucose levels and other physical biomarkers. Because at the end of the day, you don’t have to lose weight to manage your diabetes. I’ll share why in this article.
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Boredom eating, as it sounds, is eating food when you’re bored. If you’re reaching for snacks, particularly chips, lollies, or chocolate, when you’re not hungry to distract you or provide entertainment and stimulation, we’d classify this as boredom eating.
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If you’re feeling nervous, anxious or overwhelmed about working with an eating disorder dietitian, we get it (especially if you’ve had a bad experience with a traditional dietitian in the past).
In my experience, most of this anxiety comes from the uncertainty of not knowing what an eating disorder dietitian does. Because, like anything in life, the unknown is scary AF. Want a better understanding of what an eating disorder dietitian does and what to expect when working with one? Keep reading or listen to this podcast episode 👇