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As a disordered eating dietitian, here’s what I think of the 75 Hard Challenge. Diet culture red flags & the risks far outweigh the benefits.

The 75 Hard Challenge is Full of Diet Culture Red Flags 

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Have you ever felt like you’ve failed a diet? You’re not alone. Most of my clients have experienced this at some point. This blog unpacks why diets fail

Why Diets Set Us Up for Failure

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Have you ever noticed how any slight change in someone’s weight seems to turn into a public health discussion? It’s almost like your body becomes community property with comments flying in, whether you asked for them or not. But here’s something to chew on, “what if weight isn’t the clear-cut health indicator we’ve been conditioned to monitor”?

Is your weight really a problem?

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Wondering what is weight cycling? In this article we unpack what it is, how it’s related to yo-yo dieting and why it’s less than ideal for you long term health and wellbeing

What is weight cycling? (and why it’s costing your health)

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Ready to make your social media a diet free zone? We’ve shared 100 of our favourite non-diet accounts to follow. You can thank us later!

Non-diet accounts to follow

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Dieting is frustrating. At first, it’s a new adventure, a challenge, a fresh start. Then, a couple of weeks in, you’re breaking the rules, missing all your favourite foods and beating yourself up for failing once again. Does this sound familiar? Well, it’s absolutely not your fault! As it is merely human biology that results in failed diets time and time again.

What happens to your body and brain when you go on a diet?

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We can feel stuck – wanting to stop dieting and not wanting to let go. But if we know diets don’t work, why do we keep doing them?

If we know diets don’t work, why do we keep doing them?

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Ever wondered what is health at every size? Our HAES Dietitian, Erin, explains what it is and why it’s often misunderstood.

What is Health At Every Size? (And why it’s so misunderstood)

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If you’ve ever asked yourself, “Why can’t I stick to a diet?” you’re not alone. Let’s explore the science behind diets so you can understand why diets are *actually* so hard to follow long term. Hint – it has nothing to do with willpower or not trying hard enough.

Why Can’t I Stick To a Diet?

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If you’re ready to turn down the volume on diet culture and learn how to create a healthy meal without restriction, this article is for you!

How to create a healthy meal (using five simple steps)