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Sick of Googling ā€œHow to heal my relationship with foodā€? Youā€™re not alone. Itā€™s the most common request I hear from my clients: women whoā€™ve spent decades using food as either punishment or reward and, as a result, have a love-hate relationship with food. If you want to stop instantly turning to food to cope with boredom, loneliness, and other emotions only to beat yourself up for having no control over food, this articleā€™s for you.

How to heal your relationship with food

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ā€œI feel so guilty for binge eating,ā€ said almost every client Iā€™ve ever worked with. While using food to cope with our feelings can feel good in the moment, it’s quickly followed by guilt, shame, and negative self-talk. What I see as a binge eating dietitian is how we feel after a binge, which can lead to more bingeing, creating a vicious cycle that’s hard (but not impossible) to break.Ā 

a woman craving sugar

Why do I feel guilty after eating? | What to do after a binge

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Bacon egg cups aren’t just the epitome of gentle nutrition; they’ve been a welcome addition to my non-negotiable meal prep recipes. You’ll find these delicious and protein-rich breakfast options in my fridge or freezer any time of the year. In my opinion, the combo of eggs, cheese, and bacon wrapped in a crunchy tortilla is […]

Bacon and egg cups

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As a disordered eating dietitian, here’s what I think of the 75 Hard Challenge. Diet culture red flags & the risks far outweigh the benefits.

The 75 Hard Challenge is Full of Diet Culture Red FlagsĀ 

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Have you ever felt like you’ve failed a diet? You’re not alone. Most of my clients have experienced this at some point. This blog unpacks why diets fail

Why Diets Set Us Up for Failure

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Say bye to lunchtime procrastination with these Mexican rice bowls šŸ‘‹ One of the most common challenges I hear from clients is, ā€œErin, I feel like Iā€™ve got my shit together for BF & Dinner, but lunch ā€¦ I just canā€™tā€ šŸ˜“ Sound familiar?  Well, hereā€™s the antidote to lunchtime decision fatigue – glass prep […]

Easy Baked Mexican Rice

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Have you ever noticed how any slight change in someoneā€™s weight seems to turn into a public health discussion? It’s almost like your body becomes community property with comments flying in, whether you asked for them or not. But here’s something to chew on, ā€œwhat if weight isnā€™t the clear-cut health indicator weā€™ve been conditioned to monitorā€?

Is your weight really a problem?

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Wondering what is weight cycling? In this article we unpack what it is, how it’s related to yo-yo dieting and why it’s less than ideal for you long term health and wellbeing

What is weight cycling? (and why it’s costing your health)

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Looking for a quick, easy and tasty breakfast or lunch recipe idea? Do yourself a favour and make these healthy corn and zucchini fritters!

Zucchini and Corn Fritters

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So you’ve heard we need to eat more vegetables! But why? Well there’s a reason people, especially Dietitians, bang on about them like a broken recordā€”they really are so beneficial for your health! I’ll let you know why and how you can eat more of them in this article.

How to eat more vegetables