Ready to feel in control around food again? But have no idea where to start?

Binge eating freebie

Download this free 3-part audio series. Understand why you’re binge eating and get the tools you need to break the cycle.

It’s not you, it’s society!

Why you’re feeling stuck

The keys to food freedom!

Get 3 x game-changing strategies you can use immediately and unlock the door to food freedom.

part 3

Learn the 4 mistakes people make when trying to stop binge eating. Understand *your* specific causes of binge eating and how to get unstuck

pART 2

Understand why binge eating is *not* your fault and why millions of Australian’s feel out of control around food!

Part 1

Founder of Balance and Bite

Oh, Hey ... I'm Erin 

Like most Dietitians, I started my career bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ready to “improve people’s health” with my weight loss focused training. But it took all of one day in a real-world clinic to realise this approach was so *not* fetch. So, I’ve spent the past decade unlearning 70% of my weight-centred uni degree to hone my weight-inclusive, HAES & non-diet approach (Yes, I’ve considered asking for a HEC’s refund) 

My mission? To free people from body hate, unrelenting food standards, and noisy diet culture because, IMO, you’ve got *way* more important things to do with your one freaking fabulous life! 

AKA- A food and body image counsellor, space holder, tissue hander-outer 

Get to know me

A word from past clients