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Have you heard of the set weight theory? Wondering what it means for your health? We answer all your questions in this blog article
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It’s completely normal if you hate the way you look (in our appearance-obsessed society) and why you think losing weight is the key to body acceptance but what you can do (without changing your appearance) to hate your body less.
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If you’re feeling nervous, anxious or overwhelmed about working with an eating disorder dietitian, we get it (especially if you’ve had a bad experience with a traditional dietitian in the past).
In my experience, most of this anxiety comes from the uncertainty of not knowing what an eating disorder dietitian does. Because, like anything in life, the unknown is scary AF. Want a better understanding of what an eating disorder dietitian does and what to expect when working with one? Keep reading or listen to this podcast episode 👇
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Sick of Googling “How to heal my relationship with food”? You’re not alone. It’s the most common request I hear from my clients: women who’ve spent decades using food as either punishment or reward and, as a result, have a love-hate relationship with food. If you want to stop instantly turning to food to cope with boredom, loneliness, and other emotions only to beat yourself up for having no control over food, this article’s for you.
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Have you ever noticed how any slight change in someone’s weight seems to turn into a public health discussion? It’s almost like your body becomes community property with comments flying in, whether you asked for them or not. But here’s something to chew on, “what if weight isn’t the clear-cut health indicator we’ve been conditioned to monitor”?
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Wondering what is weight cycling? In this article we unpack what it is, how it’s related to yo-yo dieting and why it’s less than ideal for you long term health and wellbeing
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In this article, I’ll explain what is body image, how it can affect our mental health and tips and strategies to improve it.
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We can feel stuck – wanting to stop dieting and not wanting to let go. But if we know diets don’t work, why do we keep doing them?
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Many of my new clients have a similar story. They’ve dieted for decades and tried everything to change their bodies but they know dieting doesn’t work, and still have a strong desire to lose weight. They’re ready, excited and eager to become an intuitive eater, but they have an unrelenting fear of weight gain. Crossing […]
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As we uncover more research examining the pros and cons of using the BMI and its questionable accuracy in measuring our health, it’s time we started asking, “is the BMI actually helping us or is it causing more harm?
Let’s explore how this humble calculation concreted itself into mainstream medicine, diet culture and see why health professionals are so reluctant to let it go.